sexta-feira, 13 de março de 2015

Sugestões de livros de Cirurgia Cardiovascular

1) Kirklin/Barratt-Boyes Cardiac Surgery: Expert Consult - Online and Print (2-Volume Set), 4e (Kochoukas, Kirklin/Barratt-Boyes Cardiac Surgery (2 vol. Set).

- ISBN: 1416063919

2) Cardiac Surgery in the Adult, by Lawrence H. Cohn.

- ISBN: 007163312x

3) Manual of Perioperative Care in Adult Cardiac Surgery, by Robert M. Bojar.

- ISBN:1444331434

4) Johns Hopkins Textbook of Cardiothoracic Surgery, by Larry Kaiser, Irving L. Kron and Thomas L. Spray.

- ISBN: 0071663509

5) Postoperative Critical Care for Cardiac Surgical Patients, by Ali Dabbagh, Fardad Esmailian and Sary F. Aranki.

- ISBN: 3642404170

6) Atlas of Cardiac Surgical Techniques: A Volume in the Surgical Techniques Atlas Series, by Frank Sellke and Marc Ruel.

- ISBN: 141604065X

7) Mastery of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Larry Kaiser, Irving L. Kron and Thomas L. Spray.

- ISBN:1451113153

8) Comprehensive Surgical Management of Congenital Heart Disease, by Richard Jonas.

- ISBN: 0340808071

9) Cardiac Surgery: Recent Advances and Techniques, by Narain Moorjani, Sunil K Ohri and Andrew Wechsler.

- ISBN: 1444137565

10) Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, by Constantine Mavroudis, 
Carl Backer and Richid F. Idriss.

- ISBN: 1405196521

11) Cardiac Surgery: Operative and Evolving Technique - Expert Consult: Online and Print, by Donald B. Doty and John R. Doty.

- ISBN: 1416036539

12) Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 2-Volume Set, by Douglas L. Mann, Douglas P. Zipes, Peter Libby and Robert O. Bonow.

- ISBN: 1455751332

13) Current Therapy in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, by James C. Stanley, Frank Veith and Thomas W Wakefield.

- ISBN: 1455709840

14) Rutherford's Vascular Surgery, 2-Volume Set: Expert Consult: Print and Online, by Jack L. Cronenwett MD and K. Wayne Johnston.

- ISBN: 1455753041

15) Anatomic Exposures in Vascular Surgery, by Gary G. Wind and R. James Valentine.

- ISBN: 1451184727

16) Vascular and Endovascular Surgery: A Comprehensive Review Expert Consult: Online and Print, by Wesley S. Moore.

- ISBN: 1455746010

17) Atlas of Vascular Surgery, by Christopher K. Zarins MD and Bruce L. Gewertz.

- ISBN: 1437722253

18) Sabiston and Spencer's Surgery of the Chest: Expert Consult - Online and Print (2-Volume Set), by Frank Sellke, Pedro J. del Nido and Scott J. Swanson. 

- ISBN: 1416052259

19) Complications in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery: How to Avoid Them and How to Get Out of Trouble, by Jonathan J. Earnshaw and Michael G. Wyatt.

- ISBN: 190337880X

20) Comprehensive Review in Vascular and Endovascular Medicine, by David Paul Slovut, Steven M. Dean, Michael R. Jaff and Peter A. Schneider.

- ISBN: 1935395602

21) Cardiac Surgery: Safeguards and Pitfalls in Operative Technique, by Siavosh Khonsari and Colleen Flint Sintek.

- ISBN: 0781769507

22) Cardiac Surgery and Concomitant Disease: Incidence, Preoperative Preparation, and Prognostic Relevance, by J. Ennker.

- ISBN:  3642488455

23) As Emoções da Cirurgia do Coração, de Ivo Nesralla e Paulo Prates.

- ISBN: 8583430659

24) Manual Acadêmico de Cirugia Cardiovascular, de Gabriel R. Liguori, Leila Nogueira Barros, Davi Freitas Tenório, Fábio B. Jatene e Rui M. S. Almeida.

- ISBN: 9788538804994

25) Cardiologia e Cirurgia Cardiovascular Pediátrica, de Ulisses Alexandre Croti, Sandra Silva Mattos, Valdester Cavalvante Pinto Jr., Vera Demarch Aiello e Valéria de Melo Moreira.

- ISBN: 8541201287

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